Apple has issued an iOS update that fixes a major bug users found in the previous update. Last week, iPhone users began complaining that their settings had been reset to Apple’s default email and default web browser options. Tapping on links would suddenly default back to Safari rather than Chrome, for example.
“Fixes an issue that could cause default browser and mail settings to rest after restarting your iPhone,” the update notes for iOS 14.0.1 state.
The update also addressed an issue preventing camera previews from displaying on the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus; fixed an issue preventing iPhones from connecting to Wi-Fi; resolved an issue preventing sending emails with other mail providers; and addressed an issue preventing images from appearing in the News wide.
Apple’s iOS 14 iPhone software includes features like better ways to organize apps, living programs called widgets on the home screen, and the ability to change which default apps the phone uses to browse the web or send an email. That last one doesn’t appear to work.
See also: 6 iOS 14 features to try as soon as you install it on your iPhone