On Call Welcome once again, comrades, to On-Call, The Register‘s celebration of the tech proletariat’s struggles with oppression by bourgeois bosses – and the eventual
Tag: virus
Is ChatGPT a ‘virus that has been released into the wild’? • TechCrunch
More than three years ago, this editor sat down with Sam Altman for a small event in San Francisco soon after he’d left his role
Scientists win Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovery of Hepatitis C virus
The Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine/ Niklas Elmehed The 2020 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded Monday to three scientists — Harvey
CDC says we all should wear face coverings to avoid spreading virus
Even if you’re wearing a face covering, you should exercise the same caution as if you weren’t wearing one. Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images For the