YouTube suspended One America New from its platform. Angela Lang/CNET For the most up-to-date news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, visit the WHO website.
Tag: suspends
Apple suspends new business with iPhone supplier over labor violations
Pegatron is a key iPhone supplier. Richard Peterson/CNET Apple has frozen the signing of any new business contracts with Pegatron, one of its key suppliers,
Facebook temporarily suspends recommendations for new and political groups
Facebook has been taking new steps to curb the spread of misinformation ahead of the US elections. Angela Lang/CNET Facebook has temporarily stopped recommending new and
Twitter suspends account of white nationalist group posing as antifa
Twitter suspended an account claiming to belong an antifa group, but actually linked to white nationalist group Identity Evropa. Angela Lang/CNET A Twitter account posing
Coronavirus updates: 2 million cases confirmed worldwide, Trump suspends funding to WHO
Reporters practice social distancing in the US Senate studio during a news conference. Tom Williams/Getty Images For the most up-to-date news and information about the
Uber suspends shared rides to limit coronavirus spread, report says
You won’t be able to pool your Uber ride in the US or Canada, a report said. Angela Lang/CNET For the most up-to-date news and