A piece of the past has returned to haunt a Florida beach after a curious object made of wood and metal emerged in the aftermath
Tag: Scientists
Scientists Devise Faster Method of Interstellar Space Travel Based on Seabird Gliding
This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use. (Credit: Ivo Andričić/pixabay) After decades of space exploration, humanity’s reach
Google scientists reportedly told to make AI look more ‘positive’ in research papers
Google is reportedly telling research scientists to spin AI in a more positive way. Stephen Shankland/CNET Google parent Alphabet has been asking its scientists to
Scientists make disheartening find of microplastics near top of Mount Everest
The National Geographic and Rolex Perpetual Planet Everest Expedition collected microplastics from an area of Mount Everest known as “the Balcony.” Climbers often leave waste
Scientists find promising ‘superhabitable’ planets that may be ‘better’ than Earth
This illustration shows an Earth-size planet orbiting a distant star. NASA Ames/SETI Institute/JPL-Caltech When you title a research paper “In Search for a Planet Better
Scientists win Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovery of Hepatitis C virus
The Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine/ Niklas Elmehed The 2020 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded Monday to three scientists — Harvey
Scientists develop moon ‘dustbuster’ to clean lunar gunk off astronaut gear
NASA’s Advanced Concepts Laboratory released this illustration of lunar dust. NASA Here on Earth, dust can be annoying. On the moon, it can be a
Google’s AI-powered search tool helps scientists scour coronavirus research
James Martin/CNET For the most up-to-date news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, visit the WHO website. Google has launched a new search tool that
Scientists say new disinfectant protects surfaces from coronavirus for 90 days
Researchers at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology have developed an anti-microbial coating that they say can kill the coronavirus when sprayed on